What a headache could be telling you about your thyroid

When our bodies are working well, we take them for granted. But when you’re sick, the number one thought that fills your mind is bound to be “I wish I were healthy!” For some of us, a headache is a minor annoyance, but regular headaches (especially searing migraines) will surely make you wish you were…

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Hyperinflation, the crash, and gold prices

Hyperinflation, market crash and rising gold prices are natural outcomes of money printing. But the U.S. has been under a money-printing barrage since George W. Bush famously claimed, “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system,” and Ben “Helicopter” Bernanke unleashed a torrent of Quantitative Easing on the market to prop up…

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Depression and body heat

Raising the body temperature causes infections to heal more quickly. Our bodies develop fever when ill to enhance metabolism and help kill bacteria and viruses. Yet, people who are depressed seem to have higher body temperatures. A study published in Scientific Reports analyzed data from more than 20,000 people in 106 countries who wore a…

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Preparing for anything means always be learning

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a crisis is to always be learning. I knew that sounds like a tough thing to do, but in reality, you can learn new tricks and tips every day. This sounds like something very elementary, but in reality, it isn’t. You need to…

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Immigration is THE issue of our time

The divide between the political establishment residing in the District of Criminals — and their allies the progressive left “intellectual class” — and the people over whom they profess to lord and seek to control has become a chasm so wide you can’t see one side from the other. And nowhere is that schism as…

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